Saturday, December 10, 2011

Third party anyone?

last year we had McCain/Palin and this year it looks like the McCain/Palin ticket wasn't so bad after all. Where are all the Republican super stars that had been talked about? Why were we even talking about Romney and Perry? If we preferred someone else four years ago why would we consider them this time around? I just wish the parties actually stood for something but that isn't true. It seems that all parties are good for is opposing what the party in power if for. I suppose that if Obama had bee against health insurance reform that the Republicans would have been pushing hard for it just like the Democrats fought against the idea of changing the way Social Security is funded. Too bad about Herman Cain but he made the Republican party nomination race interesting and I believe he actually stood a change of defeating Obama. As things stand now, the biggest problem the Republicans have now is themselves. Obama was vunerable but the Republicans have acted so stupidly that he just might win by a landslide again. I wish there were another Lincoln or Washington, or Reagan out there but it only seems we have only a bunch of baggage handlers on the Republican side and a fairy tale President on the other. I wonder too, just how many people are happy with Bev Purdeue? Too bad we couldn't have a do over on the last election.

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