Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Gardening News

I'm excited about this coming spring.  I've built my grape arbor and rooted new grape vines.  Besides the sixteen feet of vines I already have, I'll have an addtional 24 feet.  I just have to find me some vit B0-1 tablets to crush up and add to the water when I plant my vines.  I do believe it is 2 tabs per gallonof water and four gallons of water per vine. 

I just havested the last of my carrots and shredded them for carrot-rasin salad.   I don't care for it with pneapple in it like Golden Coral serves.  Just carrots and rasins.  In case you didn't know, you do not have to harvest your carrots at the end of the growing season.  Just leave them in the garden and pick when you want some fresh carrots.  Some recomment covering them with a board during the winter but I don't and mine have done just fine.  Carrots from the garden have a strong taste than ones you buy at the store.  Of course, the ones at the store would have tasted like home grown if you could eat them fresh picked. 

I like cooked carrots.  Many people don't.  If you are one of those, I suggest sprinkling some brown sugar on them when you cook them.  They taste like sweet potatoes then.  Sweet sweet potatoes.   

I'm planting all my vine plants at the Sunset Street garden except for my tomatoes.  I'll have a separate garden spot for them in the back yard.  My regular garden in the big space beside my house. 

I'll have my pumpkin garden this year as well as cataloupes, watermelon, and maybe some gourds.  Come fall, if you need some gourds or pumpkins for decorations or pies, look me up.  Organic produce cheaper than Walmart. 

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