Friday, February 01, 2013

Me 1, Insurance company zero

  On Oct 17, 2012 my wife fell while we were on vacation in Mt. Airy.  As a result of the fall I took her to the Mt. Airy hospital where she received a CAT scan and then was rushed to Baptist because of a brain bleed.  There she received an MRI which showed the bleed was in the center of the brain.  She has also suffered damaged to her 4th cranial nerve resulting in blurred vision. 

A week after her release she was talking incoherently  and the rescue squad was called but by the time they examined her she was able to answer questions so she was not transported.  However the next day I found her passed out in the laundry room and I did have her transported to Moses Cone where they diud a MRA which is an MRI with the dye.  The reason  for her gibberish talking and her passing out were diagnosed as mini-strokes caused by flakes of blood from her brain injury.  She was placed on anti-seizure medication.

My wife had an accident policy  and they denied her claim saying the medical evidence showed she suffered an aneurysm. What all the doctors have told me has been the same story.  Brain bleeds in the center of the brain are usually caused by aneurysms and not falls they cannot find evidence of an aneurysm. I needed a statement from a doctor that stated that her brain injury was not caused by an aneurysm.  Today, a doctor confirmed that and is sending me a letter that states that fact. 

All other possible medical conditions have been ruled out.

Me 1, insurance zero. 

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