Friday, February 22, 2013

Why is God Invisible?

No living person has every seen God.  The bible even refers to God as the invisible God.  Is God really invisible and if not why can't we see him?

I recently read a statement from a young man that said that God has had 2,000 years to convince him that He was real and having failed to do so he must conclude that God isn't real.  The young man had a lot of things wrong in that statement.  God has been around a lot longer than 2,000 years.  In fact He has been around forever.  The young man, on the other hand, has been around for just a few dozen years at the most and many of those he was too young to understand many things.  So the truth is, he has only had a relativbely short time to make a decision concerning God. 

In many ways it isn't easy knowing the truth.  There is the Christian bible, the Holy Bible, the atheist bible, the Koran,  and many other books that others claim to be the bible but have either added something too it or taken stuff away and thereby perverted the word of God.  The other day, a man called the preacher and stated that his wife didn't like the Sunday Sermon.  It wasn't the style or delivery she objected too but the message.  However, the message was exactly what the bible said and meant. 

People are lazy and don't want to study hard to understand stuff..  No only that but over time, our opinions change so what once was acceptable is no longer held as proper.  When people become "enlightened" they want the bible to be changed to reflect their new views on life.  The easiest way to accomplish that is to pen a new translation of the bible.  I have no problem with different translations but I have serious problems with new interpretations. 

Another problem people have is that they build a doctrine from just a few verses of scripture and the doctrine is contrary to what the bible actually teaches.  "Take a little wine for thy stomachs sake", Jesus turned the water into wine, deacons are not to be taken with much wine, seem to teach that the scriptures say it is okay to drink as long as we do not do so to excess. 

In I John chapter three one of the verses say "we sin not"  so some people teach that Christians cannot sin.  Yet in that same book, in chapter I verse 18 the bible says he who says he is without sin is a liar and the truth is not in him.  Careful study will reveal that there is no contridiction there.  It is true that people commit sin, even Christians, but as a Christian God forgives our sins. 

God cannot look upon sin.  Christ became sin for all of us and he did so while hanging on the cross at Calvary as reflected in His words "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"  At the moment Christ became sin for all of us God turned His back on Jesus.  God is invisible to us because "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" 

God did however, send His son to earth to teach us and to show us.  He walked among us teaching and healing until His time had come for Him to lay down His life for our sins.  He did not have too.  It was His choice.  Just as Christ had a choice to die for you or to escape the cross, we have a choice to accept Christ as our savor or to reject Him. 

God gave us Christ, He gave us the prophets, the disciples, the churches, and His written word.  He God did not exist there would be no written word and no Christ.  That He exists is as plain as the nose on your face.  His existence is not dependent on our believing but our existence is dependent on Him.  God does not send people to Hell.  Hell was created for Satan and his angels not for man. 

There are many who have accepted the fact that Jesus is the Christ yet have not learned to fully trust Christ in their everyday lives.  What they are doing is believing in the concept of Christ but not fully believing in the personhood of a risen savor nor fully accepting that Christ loves us and will indeed honor the promises he has made.  I have to admit sometimes it is hard to fully trust Christ.  It is like having a fear of flying.  Flying commercial airlines is the safest form of mass transportation there is yet some people will drive rather than fly.  That is just human nature. 

There have been several incidents in my life that have proven to me that I can trust Christ and the stronger my faith becomes the more Christ proves that He can be trusted.  I know for a fact that God is real and that Jesus Christ is a savor and my Lord.  So why then is God invisible?

He is invisible only because we refuse to see Him.    

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