Monday, February 11, 2013

The pope is quitting. What does this mean?

Some people believe that there is a prediction about how many Popes there will be and according to those predictions there won't be but one more before the world ends.  Of course, no one knows how long the next pope will live. 

No one know when Christ will return.  The apostle Paul didn't know.  Even Jesus himself did not know.  I have no idea how anyone else would have a clue as to how many Popes there would be before Christ's return either. 

I firmly believe that he will come back when everyone has quit looking for him.  Anticipation is high because many believe that there has been thousand years gaps in great events and because they believe the bible says that a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day.  The six days of creation and the seventh day of rest equates to six thousand years of man on earth as ruler and the thousand years reigh of Christ.  It was two thousand years from Adam and Eve being kicked out of the garden until the flood and two more thousand years until the birth of Christ.  It now has been two thousand years since His birth so it is time.  But soon, people will quit believing.  Few actually believe now and more and more people are becoming hostile to the idea of God really existing and that Christ is God in the flesh and that he really lives and is coming back.  Most people today, even in the USA believe that isn't true.  Few people actually trust God and Jesus Christ.   

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