Saturday, July 16, 2011

Heroes and villian

This week I had jury duty and I was originally picked to be one of the twelve but the defense attorney dismissed me so I only got to read the news like everyone else. Todays paper had the headline "Caleb Brown verdict: Guilty".

It seems the defense called no witnesses on Caleb Browns behalf but was counting on the jury to render a verdict of second degree murder instead of murder in the first.

Leroy Arthur Petry was also in the news. Caleb Brown made the front page of a local paper while Mr. Petry made a sideline story on a website. Caleb Brown had his bust shot in the paper while Mr. Petry only had a picture shown of his hand, and even that wasn't real. The other hand in his picture, that of Barrack Obama, was real, but Leroy Arthur Petry's hand wasn't real. He lost his real hand when a granade he was tossing back to enemy soldiers blew up in his had.

He was already suffering from a gunshot that went through both his legs but he was still able to grab a granade and throw it away before it hurt his fellow soldirs. The reason the President was shaking his hand was to say thanks and award Mr. Petry the Congrssional Medal of Honor.

Unfortunately, heroes are a lot less common than murderers are.

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