Sunday, June 03, 2012

Getting older Sucks

I just went to the doctor who put me on insulin.  The shots don't hurt and it is only midly inconvenient.  I'm not complaining about that.  It's the aches and pains that are the problem.  I coached a boys baseball team this summer, something I have wanted to do again for the longest time but just did't have the time because of my work schedule. 

My diabetics hasleft me weaker but I found ways to compensate for that.  I just can't react as fast as I once could, I don't bend nearly as well, and forget running.  Not only is doing the physical part harder but hurts more and so much longer than it once did.  But it isn't that part of life that will keep me from coaching next year.  I really want too.  I just think the players need a more physically fit coach.

Knowing that I can't do or shouldn't do things I really want to do because I can't give to others what they need is the part of growing old that really sucks. 

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