Thursday, August 16, 2012

Anti-Christian sentiment

Churches seem to be shrinking in numbers and membership and the anti-Christian sentiment seems to be growing.  When I was young even non-Christians were hesitant to say derogatory things about Christians, God or a church out of respect but it doesn't bother people today.  It fact people are not just critical but openly hostile towards people of faith. 

Some commenter's blame Christians because it seems Christians cannot have a conversation with a non-Christian without being critical of their lifestyle.  This causes the non-Christian to close off their hearing.  No one likes to be criticized.

I think that because of the teaching of the theory of evolution, which is too often quoted as the law of evolution, and the lack of exposure to Christian teaching, people are not as aware of the importance of religion in their lives today. 

Many years ago churches canvased door to door.  There was a hostile home owner now and then but it was rare.  Most people were nice and would promise to come even though both you and them knew they had no intentions of coming to church.  Today, it is rare not to encounter openly hostile people and many are rude and few make promises they don't intent on keeping.  They just flat out tell you they don't want to go. 

I can appreciate someone being honest  and I can understand why people have rejected God.  He is invicible, and he never talks to people  and just doesn't seem to interact with the human race.  And the bible seem to relagate certain people to second and third class status.  Women can't be preachers and men are the head of the household and homosexuals are sinners.  People just don't agree with that today.

One thing men forget about being the head of the household is that being in charge also brings with it responsibility and accountability.  Failure to lead your family as God wills you too will bring you His condemnation.   

Homosexuals are sinners but so are liars, thieves, adulterers, and everyone else on the face of this planet.  "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God".  Homosexuals are not singled out for special condemnation in the scriptures. 

If there was two things I could get people to understand about Chritianity it is this:  one, Cristianity is not about living a certain way by a bunch of can do this and cannot do that rules but a relationship between God, Jesus and man, and the second thing is this: that it is about God and not us.    

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