Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Giving bacon a hate crime?

It seems some religious zealots are celebrating a festival in which the participants fast (don't eat).  Someone provided uncooked bacon.  True, the bacon was just thrown about the grounds and the zealots believe it is wrong to eat pork products (they will lose their twelve ugly virgins if they do, I suppose), but I fail to see how providing food to starving people is hate.  Making fun of them I can understand but I can notsee this as a hate crime.  The only hating is the zealots themselves because I'm sure they will vow to kill whoever provided the beacon while swearing that Americans just don't understand they Islam is a religion of peace.  In spite of the fact that the sky devil they worship promises them 12 virgins if they kill non believers. 

Whatever would they do with twelve virgins if they were gay? 

Oh lordy, I just opened byself up to being accused of hating by having a little fun at the expense of Muslims and gays.  But there aren't that many oportunities to work the two subjects into a conversation  and not have to be totally serious.  Hey, if you find this blog offensive you are either in the wrong country or just wrong.

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