Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Bin Laden wasn't killed by Obama

"Robert has hidden the profile"

I looked Robert up and received the above response.  The reason I looked him up was prompted by his long article "proving Osama Bin Laden was dead and had been for the past twelve years. 

I have listed an abbreviated list of his "proof" and the appropriate response.

1.  2001:  He died and was buried in an unmarked grave.  (That is highly unlikely and covering up the death is no proof that it occured)
2.  1-18-2002:  "I think"  (Even if the source is reliable, stating ones opnion is not proof of anything.
3.  7-17-2002:  "I think" (another reliable source but again just speculation)
4.  10-2-2002:  "I believe  (Again, just speculation)
5. 2003  "Bush has captured Bin Landen and is awaiting the appropriate time to announce his capture  (Hard to capture a man that is dead.  Bush never announced Bin Ladens capture.  I wonder why?  But if he had captured him then all the speculation about his death was a lie)
6.  11-2005  Bin Laden died in an earthquake (maybe that is how his grave came to be unmarked.  But he was buried 4 years earlier.  Explain that.)
7.  tapes were fake (so, that proves nothing)
8.  11-02-2007  Omar Sheihk killed Bin Laden  (did Omar cause the earthquake?  If he did, why hasn't the USA surrendered due to this mans alsome power)  
3-2009  All evidence suggests   ( maybe but no evidence has been cited and suggestions are a proof of nothing)
9.   5-2009 Pakastani Intelligence reported no contact with bin Laden in    7 years  (Like that is a reliable source)

Robert is the type of person who really believes what he is saying is true  and the statements he quoted are proof that his position is the correct one.  How sad.


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