Sunday, August 26, 2012

What a quantary.

Four years ago we had the choice between McCain and Obama and if one could not make up their mind between the two, one only had to think about the VP candidate and realize that no one wanted Sarah palin to be President.  I hated the last Presidential election and yhis one isn't much better.  The best candidate turned out to be a prevert.  Ron Paul has a lot of supporters but only because he wants to legalize marajuana.  Some fools actually took Donald Trump seriously as a candidate and thought he would be a good President. 

There are some Democrats I could support as a candidate for President but Obama isn't one of them.  There are some Republicans I could support as President  and I'm not sure Romney is one of them. 
Any third party candidate is a guanenteed loser.  McCain had a chance four years ago right up until he won the nomination. 

I understand there is no perfect candidate and no policy will make everyone happy but bad policies got this country into the mess we are in and inept leadership has failed to get us out.    Is Romney any better than Obama or is Obama worse than Romney?  I'm not sure either candidate is qualified to even lead their family out of town  let alone this country out of the mess we are in. 

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