Sunday, October 28, 2012

Church service interrupted by the police

I was in the midst of teaching Sunday School when the church doors opened and a man appeared.  He was dressed all in blue and had a gun strapped to his side.  Even though he had a badge, it is still a little disconcerting to be facing down a policeman in church.  Horror of all horrors he was there to see me.

With apologies to my class had had to leave and head home.  It seems my dear wife had an episode while talking with her mother.  Without warning she started laughing hysterically and then just as suddenly became unresponsive. 

It is frightening to arrived home and find a rescue squad at your house, the street full of gawking neighbors, and a front porch full of concerned folks and no idea what is going on. 

On Oct 17th, in celebration of my wife's birthday we had taken a trip to "Mayberry" and   were having a good time when my wife suddenly fell forward, doing a beautiful face plant.  Oh course she cried a few tears and when I was able to help her up there was an obvious swelling of her right cheek.  Other than that she seemed fine but a few minutes later she didn't know where we were so I took her to the hospital.  A CT scan revealed hemorrhaging on the brain so she was airlifted to Baptist.  After three days there she was realeased.  She has regained some of her memory but has not been anywhere near her old self. 

It is going to take a while for her to get better.  This morning she seemed to be doing better than she had been in awhile, actually sitting at the table and having a little breakfast.  She was more alert than usual so I had high hopes she was finally showing some progress.  It seems I had no such luck. 

The church is praying for her.  If it wasn't for prayer I may not even have her around any more.  God is good. 

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