Saturday, October 27, 2012

Poll: Disappointing trend in racial views

I do believe when America voted  for Obama 4 years ago there were two primary reasons; one being a vote for Obama was a vote against Bush, and the other reason is that many people voted for Oabma because of his skin color.  Now I know most blacks are Democratic but I do believe a higher percentage of blacks voted in the last election than would have normally voted. 

That is only normal and natural that blacks voted for Obama because of his skin color.  After all we dislike people because of their skin color or like them based on their looks.  It is highly likely the person we dislike because of their skin color may be the nicest person and the beauty may be a total ass.  Actually, I find that to be the case more often than not. 

Now the slip in racial attitudes hasn't been a big one, just two or three percentage points, but it is disappointing, has the headline states.  (You may view the article on Yahoo under the same title).
What the Yahoo article doesn't discuss is the reason for the slippage in attitude. 

I think there are several reasons.  When I went to work 5 days a week, I noticed that blacks hung out together and seldom acknowledged whites outside of what was necessary.  Even when blacks and whites were friends, the greetings were different and the conversations were different. 

I do believe when people feel left out they tend to feel not so good towards the   people who ignore them or treat them different.  And another reason is that I do think many blacks thought their lot in life would be better under Obama  and said so.  I think some people feared that Obama would favor legislation that gave blacks more advantages. 

I also think another reason is that true racists are more vocal, especially on the Internet.  Some people might be persuaded by their attitudes. 

As far as Mexicans are concerned, so many of them came here as undocumented aliens, or illegal immigrants if you prefer and seem to be pushing their culture unto us rather than trying to blend in. 

I may be correct, somewhat correct, or totally wrong. 

I do know that dislikeing people different from us comes natural.  We have to learn not to distrust or discriminate. 

I was watching a re-run of the Cosby show in which Cliff filled in as moderator of a ceremony in which the old President of Hillman stepped down and the new one took over.  A charge was made to the graduates that in life when they encounter a struggling, new, Hillman graduate that they should support them because they graduated from Hillman. 

That is just as wrong as giving someone a job just because they went to the same college or belonged to the same fraternity or are the same skin color as the person doing the hiring. 

There are so many reasons people hate.  Boston hates Yankee fans, LA sucks if you are a Celtic fan, Muslims hate us because we aren't Muslim, and die hard Demorcrats hate Republicans. 

Will we ever stop hating others that are different?  Not likely.    Will things ever get better?  Maybe by 2 or 3 percentage points.

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