Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Media errors now and then

More content from NBCNews.com:
I grew up reading the Hickory Daily Record and occasionally there would be the mistaken fact in a story  for which the paper ran a retraction or a correction a day or so later.  Misprinted words, misspelled words, confusing sentences, and just plain poor spelling,  bad grammar, and confusing sentences just didn't seem to exist. 

The above headlines, in blue and both from MS NBC were both on the same page and reposted by me in the order they occurred. 

The first headline states California was the first state to "bay".  That may or may not be true but what the headline was supposed to say was "Ban"  The first headline draws a picture in my mind of the California governor sitting out on the front lawn of the governors mansion, on a  night with a full moon, howling a song about gay cures. 

The second headline says that there was a biker shooting at a VFW shooting.  Does that really mean that someone was shooting Veterans of our foreign wars and hit bikers instead of or in addition to the former soldiers and sailors, or just shooting at the place the former military  members meet  but shoot people on motorcycles instead?  Did the bikers do the shooting or were they the victims? 

I just don't understand why college educated journalists have such a hard time with sentence structure, grammar and spelling. 

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