Sunday, August 31, 2014

What becomes of new beginnings?

I was looking back at photographs taken in March and comparing them to the reality of now and I realized that the march photos showed what promised to be and the now pictures showed what has become of those promises. 
   In the earlier photos I had just tilled the soil, most fruit trees had no leaves on them and just a few had some blooms.  The earth promised a bountiful garden and some fresh fruit at summers end.  Some of those promises were fulfilled.  I had more than enough jalapeno peppers to eat, can and share with friends, and plenty of squash.  My cherry trees had blooms and promised to provide my first fruit. 
   The reality was tomatoes were plentiful but just didn't want to ripen, there was no fruit on my cherry trees and my pollinator tree died, carrots never grew up, the peach crop was pitiful, and the apple crop was almost as bad.  What was good was grapes, cucumbers,   cantaloupes, and a bountiful watermelon crop. 
   Flowers were beautiful this year and my Hibiscus bloomed for the first time.  While not all promises were fulfilled it was a good year with plenty to eat and plenty to share.   

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