Monday, April 13, 2015

After 50 Years of Smoking Marijuana, Her Life Turned Out Nicely

     A New York Times article features the author of a book that details 50 years of marijuana use by a woman who claims to have smoked the drug almost every day for fifty years.  She claims it did her no harm and should be legalized.  To me, that's not a legitimate argument. 
      I smoked cigarettes for over fifty years and have suffered no ill effects from it yet I would never claim it is a healthy habit.  Numerous people have been harmed by tobacco products and many have died.  At best it is a smelly disgusting habit that causes some people to become angry when they need a smoke and have motivated people to do stupid things like stand outside on a cold windy rainy day when common sense says they should be warm inside somewhere. 

    Some people like to consume alcohol and I've read stories about people that attributed their longevity to consuming a glass or two of spirits on a daily bases for 80 years and never suffered any ill effects either.  I don't think any one in their right minds would accept such a statement as proof that alcohol, even if consumed occasionally, is risk free.  Millions of people have suffered ill effects from alcohol and untold thousands have been killed because of it. 

    I would agree that marijuana is probably the least harmful of the three substances and it is the only illegal one in the group but that still isn't any reason for its use, legally or otherwise.  Humans engage in lots of risky behaviors none of which are illegal all the time nor legal all the time.  Base jumping is legal in certain circumstances and illegal in other, just to cite one example.  But that is a risky behavior that involves a very small percentage of the population who normally take precautions to minimize risks to themselves and others. 

   I have always thought the marijuana would be legalized when tobacco use was made a crime.  After all, what are we going to use all those cigarette manufacturing facilities for?   I'm surprised that tobacco farmers and cigarette manufacturers haven't banned together to put pressure on Congress to legalize the plant to replace tobacco. 

  Engaging in risky behavior like becoming a stunt car driver cannot be compared to risky behavior like smoking and drinking for one simple reason.  Smoking and driving alter a person's mental abilities or physical state.  Personally I just don't see the need in doing that to myself.  I don't need a drink, ever, for any reason.  I've not smoked marijuana nor drank alcohol for more than fifty years and suffered no ill effects nor do I ever expect to.  For me, if a behavior is not beneficial to me and will cause or potential cause harm to those around me then I see no need to engage in that behavior. 

   If a substance that alters your behavior becomes a want then you aren't in control any more.  I refuse to allow any substance to control me, especially if that substance alters my behavior. 

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