Monday, April 27, 2015

Gardening News April 27, 2015

    Didn't have much time for working in the yard what with a doctor's appointment and doing laundry but I did manage to get out there for a few minutes today.  I have a new peach tree seedling coming up which I had to transplant so that gives me 8 peach trees in my mini-orchard. 
     After the recent rain the top of my pear tree was pointing earthward with the top tip almost touching mother earth.  I had one tree that I had planned on cutting down anyway so I took it out today and used it as a stake to hold my pear tree upright.  I also mulched my new cherry tree.  Just praying that the new Stella and the new Reiner make it.  I really would like some cherries next year.
      I also have some new pumpkin plants come up so that will give me twenty.  Some one suggested that   I sell my fruits and vegetables and give the money to the church.  The church is the people and I would rather give them the food than the cash.  Except for the pumpkins.  I will sell the pumpkins except for the smaller ones which I'll give to the youngest kids. 

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