Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Homosexuilaity and the Bible

     I was looking at a cartoon a friend of mine had posted which was funny.  I clicked on the cartoon to see what else the cartoonists had posted and while looking through the work I noticed a theme of support of those who practice an alternative lifestyle.  One really offensive post said "God, something that didn't exist but then did and created everything else but hated lezzies"
     I think the poster of that comment is confused between God and the "Big Bang."   According to modern day theory, there was nothing but somehow two gravitational forces pulled on each other  and Bang, in a micro second everything that exists came into being.  That the world had a beginning is proven by that the fact that the universe is getting larger.
    When I was a child we would take a glass of liquid, most often water or milk, and set it on a small board.  On either end of the board was a hole with a piece of rope threaded through and knotted on the end.  The two pieces of rope were then brought to a point just above the glass and joined together to form a rough triangle.  Another rope, a much longer piece, was attached to the joint where the two short pieces of rope joined, enabling a person to swing the glass of liquid around in circles.  While one was swinging this contraption the liquid stayed in the glass but when the motion slowed to to low a speed or stopped the liquid would spill out of the glass.  This liquid stayed in the glass because of centrifugal force  and demonstrated the principle of gravity. 
    The thing I learned from this is that in order to have gravity there must be an object moving in a circle at sufficient speed as to create centrifugal force.  So in order to have gravity collide with gravity there must have been two objects moving at sufficient speed.  But if there was nothing then there could not have been gravity but if there was something then what was it.  Any way one looks at it there has always had to be something and if a thing has always existed it cannot change.  Change is proof of an origin and without an origin what is has always had to be. 
    The fact that what has always existed was alive and had thought and purpose because if it didn't then that dead object would be all that was or ever could be.  The thing that has always existed is God, the great "I AM". 
    God did not create homosexuals any more than God created murderers or liars or thieves.  God created life and he created life in many different forms.  One form was mankind.  He created man with free will.  We have a choice in all that we say or do and we have that choice in our relationship with God.  God intended for Earth to be the permanent home of man but sin entered the world through the actions of Adam breaking the bond between man and God.  In order to keep His promise of death for disobedience and yet show His love for man, God sent His son to die on the cross to pay the penalty for mans disobedience. 
    God hates anything that separates man and Him.  He does not hate man.  Humans are born with a sinful and rebellious nature  but we also have free will.  Homosexuality is just another sin like lying and murder and adultery and fornication, and slothfulness and willful disobedience.  In God's eyes a sin is a sin, one is no worse than another.  Homosexuals claim they were born that way and I agree they were born with a wicked heart just like every other child born into this world.  No one has to teach a child to lie or to be selfish or to steal or to do any bad thing.  Parents have to teach their children to tell the truth, to say please and thank you, to share, and to be honest. 
   Being born with a sinful nature is not permission to continue to live that way nor proof that God hates you.  He doesn't.

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