Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Evolution Theory

Evolutions claim that adaptation is proof of evolution but the two are not the same thing. If you have green bugs and red bugs and the birds perfer the red bugs, it is not surprising that over time most bugs would be green.  But that in no way translates into the red bugs adapted and became green in order to survive. 

Evolution says that hummingbirds grew a long bill so they could get the nectar at the bottom of the flower.  Well, if they originally had a short bill how did they survive then? 

To me the whole theory doesn't make sense.  If we started out with a world of single cell creatures what did they eat?  And if they had no predatores, which they would not have had if they were the first creatures, why did they feel the need to adapt or evolve?  It certainly wasn't to be able to get more food or to help them avoid predatores.  And if they did evolve, like some people claim that humans evolved from monkeys, then why do we still have monkeys? 

A monkey can climb trees with ease, swing through the branches, has a natural furry cover, and is three times as strong as a human.  The only advantage we have is a more capable brain.  I would think that the first monkey baby born hairless, tailless, and weak would have been abandoned by its parents.  Wasn;t it lucky they not only kept the ugly little thing but kept the next one also which happened to be of the opposite sex and the two creatures interbred and had babies that actually survived.  Wow.  That's amazing. 

Gosh, and what was the first plant?  Algae?  Algae seems to grow out of no where and multiplies rapidly.  Why did it need to change into a tomatoe plant that humans love to devour and can only survive under ideal conditions?  Just doesn't make sense to me. 

Too many weird things happening that fit together for the benefit of all with no reason or rhymn to it.  Ig I find that hard to believe, you can understand why. 

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