Monday, July 16, 2012

Obama: DC 'feels as broken as it did 4 years ago'

One observation I've made over the years is that the followers adopt the same values and style as the leaders so if the leader is incompetent so are the followers.  If a leader is slack in one area or disorganized so are those that he directs.  I know it isn't alweays easy to fix a broken system but a good leader can do a lot so if the system he inherited was broken and four years later it is still in the smae condition then that just goes to prove the point that the leader is not fully capable. 

Oh wait, his lack of leadership ability and his inexperinence in that capacity was a big issue 4 years ago and it seems the distractors were right. 

I am not even speculating that McCain would have been a better President than Obama for I still am not convinced that Obama is as bad as McCain would have been.  McCains decision to skip a debate and rush back to DC to pull this country out of our economic debacle proven to be his undoing.  His selection of Palin as his running mate shows that he is prone to making bad decisions under pressure.

George Bush made two serious mistakes:  one was remaining loyal to his Secretary of State   and the other was his allowing or encouraging the issuing of cheap loans to unquailfied people.  The loans turned out not be be cheap at all  the support he hoped to gain by such practices never materialized and even helped to brand him a bad President and hurt his country and his party. 

If he had dumped Rummy and his home loan policy had worked he might have been considered one of our greatest Presidents ever.  If Obama had done nothing about the economy when he took office I believe the country would be in much better shape than it is now.  That shows is lack of understanding of economics and his poor choice of advisors.  I believe he has underestimated the value of people and lacks the ability to unite and inspire that was belied by his ability to orate emotional speeches.

.Based on his past performance I fully understand why this country is still broken.  There has been no change for the good and our only hope seems to be a change of leadership. 

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