Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Facebook account deactivated

When I first opened my facebook account it was great as I could stay in contact with friends and family easier but as the "friends list" grew, I found that I communicated less and less with my real family and real friends and was privy to profanity and others peoples soapbox passions.  I could only take so much of dogd needing a home.  I prefer my blog as I can spew my radom thoughts and the people who look at it either like what I have to say or like me.  I don't like users of my facebook account who ignore me or who put forth ideas that I totally disagree with.

Another reason I deleted my facebook account is I like to use my g-mail account for contact with family and friends only.  Businesses and spamers should use one of my other accounts get every entry on my facebook account was duplicated on g-mail.  Why?

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