Monday, July 02, 2012

now that Obamacare is law...

The supporters of ObamaCare cite the provisions as being benefical and it is true that they are.  Yea, it's tough for an unemployeed college graduate to get medicalcoverage and it doesn't seem fair that if you have a preexisting condition that you would be denied coverage.  It is a shame that kids can't receive necessary care because their parents are too poor to afford adequate health insurance. 

It really isn't fair that some people get to live in mansions while others are forced to live in government housing in order to escape having to live in the streets. It doesn't seem fair that my mom cannpt afford repair work on her house and she worked all her life while her friend lives in luxury and draws a bigger social security check. 

A lot of things in life isn't fair.  The insurance system before Obamacare wasn't a good system and while the provisions of the new program seem worthwhile and benelovent, can we afford it?

I am a veteran and went to the VA doctor just to get into the system.  Without even examing me, the VA doctor told me my arm pain was not related to my medications but because of my exercising (walking 5 miles each morning) and he said he didn't believe I was a diebetic, even though I had been treated as one for the previous five years. 

After I was examined, the tests proved I was a diebetic and my personal phycian ran some a test which showed that one medication I was taking was building up in my muscles and causing me to suffer.  My medication was adjusted and the pain was reduced. 

If the VA healtcare system is any indication of what ObamaCare care will be like, proponents are going to be disappointed and we will find that we are paying too much and receiving too little.  Can we really afford this system?

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