Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Water Pond care

I learned something new the other day.  I know that adding salt to pond water is good for the fish but pond salt is expensive.  Algae has always been a problem, especially in my large pond.  Even though I had a decent filter, the pond receivbes so much sun that even with the filter, the UV rays, pond plants and algaecide, the algae grows faster than I can get rid of it. 

I learned that I could solve both problems cheaply with rock salt.  Walmarts price of $1.28 for a 4 lb box of rock salt (32 cents a pound) is cheap enough.  Rock salt encourgages the fish to grow a thicker sklime coat which protects them, it kills parasites and algae as well.  In less than 24 hours after addinbg rock salt, my big ponds water is clear enough to see the bottom of the pond.  It still has a little green tint but maybe now my filter and UV light can keep up. 

I have sold 67 fish and still have around 35 left.  I need to sell 27 more fish.  They a a dollar a piece for the year old Koi.  Pet store prices for these fish are normally around $7.99 5to $9.99 each, higher if they are butterfly. 

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