Friday, July 06, 2012

News story comments

I like to read and occasionally I will comment on the stories I read.  I also like to read the comments made by others and most are short, opinionated and not well thought out responses to news articles.  Sometimes if an article is on a tragic event, some commenter's can and do get really mean and nasty but no matter what the subject two topics will almost invariable pop up.  One is religion and the other is politics. 

The most disturbing thing I've noticed is the lack or respect people have for each other and how quickly people resort to name calling and racial slurs.  It is really a shame we cannot discuss a topic and even have a difference of opinion without getting angry, race baiting, or name calling.  I seldom have anyone disagree with me but when I do I am either ignorant, stupid, illiterate, or something equally disgusting, none of which is necessary to say to me just because you disagree with me.  I have been known to change my mind on things and I have been know to change the minds of other people. 

My former best friend, a gay female, and I often disagreed on certain issues yet we remained close friends.  My sons girlfriend and I have totally different views and yet we can discuss things civily and sometimes she sees my point of view and sometimes I can see hers, but often we just have to agree to disagree.     

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